
বুধবার, ১৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Power Point এ সমীকরণ তৈরি করুন

Steal the equations from Word

Word 2007 got a rather sophisticated built-in equation editor in Office 2007. We don't know why PowerPoint didn't inherit it also but you can still use the one in Word to solve
your PPT equation problems. Here's how:
  • Add the equation in Word.
  • Tripleclick within it to select the whole equation, then press Ctrl+C to copy it.
  • Switch to PPT and choose Edit, Paste Special
  • If you see nothing but "Unformatted text" on the list of choices, cancel, go back to Word and repeat the triple click and copy procedure. It seems totally random whether it works or not, so keep trying.
  • When all goes well, you'll see Microsoft Word Document Object on the list when you Paste Special. Choose it and click OK.
You may find that this leaves too much white space on both sides of the equation. To eliminate this, make the document margins smaller in Word before copying the equation.

  • Ungroup the pasted equation. Repeat untll you can select the individual components of the equation.
  • You can now recolor the text and lines individually using PowerPoint's normal drawing and formatting tools.

1 টি মন্তব্য:

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